Sado Island is known for its stunning night sky no matter where you are on the island. If you’re looking to stargaze, Donden Mountain, also known as Tatara Mine, is the place to be. This area was historically used for iron smelting, and the echoes of hammering iron may have inspired its name.

Terry Riley once performed at a gold mine here, so you can reflect on this history while listening to his song “Wakarimasen” at this location.

The gold mine was once a bustling hub, and deep in its tunnels, miners relied on faint oil light. This light was a beacon in the darkness, just like the town lights, including the Sado Island lighthouse, were for sailors at night.

Sado’s remoteness from the mainland gives way to pitch-black nights, creating the perfect conditions for stargazing. The island’s isolation offers unobstructed views of the galaxy. As you look up at the starry sky, remember that each twinkling star holds the memory of today. Enjoy your stargazing experience on Sado Island.

※This guide was created based on documents and interviews and includes some interpretation done by us at ON THE TRIP. Theories differ between experts, so try to find out what really happened on your travels!

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