Enshrined in Enman-ji Temple is the “Yu-no-daijizo-son” statue, said to have been created by Gyōki, the famous monk of the Nara Period (710-794). It was supposedly painted white in the Showa era (1926-1989), but we wonder what it originally looked like.

It is said that the blessings that this statue bestows are extraordinary. One example is in 1855 when there was an earthquake in this area and the onsen waters stopped springing forth. People prayed to the statue and the water began to flow again. In addition to this, there are very few fires in the Dogo area, thanks to the protection of the statue. It is also said that if you pay a visit to this shrine and pray to this statue after soaking in the hot springs, then you will live a longer life.

The graves of the family who ran the hot springs during the Edo Period are located on the temple grounds, illustrating just how strong the bond is between the temple and the springs themselves.

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