“Isaniwa” is said to refer to a pure place where you can invite the gods, hold festivals, and receive their blessings.

This temple was said to exist even before the time of Prince Shotoku, and the ancestors of the Buddhist priest Ippen, the Kono clan, were responsible for moving the temple to its current location. During the Edo Period there was a feudal lord who prayed that his arrow would strike true in horseback archery. When this wish came to fruition, he built the main hall here as a sign of his appreciation.

Within this shrine is a “Sangaku” wooden calculation tablet. These were made in popular temples during the Edo Period, and they depict difficult mathematical problems. At the time, the custom was that those visiting the shrine would each attempt to solve the problem.

This brings us back to Yukiwa Isaniwa, the man who worked tirelessly for the future of Dogo Onsen. It is said that one day, he decided to change his name to Isaniwa. What exactly caused this change of heart?

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