Connecting with the Volcano

From the observation deck, you can admire the vast landscape that stretches across the foothills. In the distance, Kinkō Bay, which was formed by a massive eruption long ago, comes into view alongside Sakurajima, a volcano that emits smoke daily.

Kinkowan Bay is home to over 700 fish species and about 70 dolphins. Rain falls on Kirishima and flows into the sea. This water contains volcanic minerals that nourish seaweed, creating a rich marine ecosystem. Dolphins need areas with plenty of fish because they require a lot of food.

The ecosystem of Kinkowan Bay is a testament to its richness, providing an abundance of delicious fish. The natural blessings of Kirishima flow from the mountains to the sea. The grilled fish served at dinner yesterday could very well be considered a gift from Kirishima.

Photo 1: View of Sakurajima from the observation deck in the temple grounds

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