Kirishima’s Volcanic Blessings

“When do you feel the blessings of the volcano?”

If you ask the locals, many will mention “hot springs” as their first answer. These hot springs are formed by groundwater heated by magma rising to the surface. They truly represent the volcano’s blessings. Hot springs emerge everywhere in Kirishima, leading some residents to forgo a bath at home in favor of visiting their favorite hot springs daily.

Some hot springs are as large as swimming pools, while others contain high concentrations of minerals derived from volcanic gases, making them ideal for short baths. Additionally, many open-air baths offer spectacular views. We hope you discover a hot spring that suits your preferences, given the variety of spring qualities and temperatures available.

Kirishima has long been recognized as a therapeutic hot spring resort, cherished by historical figures. For instance, did you know that the famed samurai and politician Sakamoto Ryoma and his wife, Oryo, spent their honeymoon in Kirishima? They visited Kirishima Shrine, climbed Mt. Takachiho-no-Mine, and also stopped by Kirishima Hot Springs to relieve the exhaustion of their tumultuous adventures.

Photo 1: Sulfur Valley Fumarolic Zone

Photo 2: Kirishima’s Oldest Rock Bath (Maruo Nature Trail)

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