

Film cameras, cassette tapes, records, minimalism, public baths, draft beer.

In this guide we have introduced a growing movement based on the idea that there can be “satisfaction through the process”.

Perhaps it is a response to what many perceive as too much globalization, or a response to mass production and consumption. The original reasoning aside, this is a culture to thoroughly enjoy consumption in smaller quantities.

In America prior to mass commercialization things were often produced and consumed closer to home. There was simply no other way. You would use items that were made by nearby factories or specialists. With the sudden dawn of the consumer society the production process was completely upended. With economic shocks like the financial crisis of 2008 or the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997, we have had the opportunity to reevaluate the way we view consumption and the price we put on “things”.

One such manifestation of the new movement to re-evaluate consumerism is what some affectionately and others critically call the “hipster movement”.

Rather than buying from chain stores supporting individually owned business. Rather than buying goods made from afar, buying goods from you neighbor. Rather than a car a bike. Maybe what is occurring isn’t something new but just a return to the old.

I think the movement will continue to grow across different countries. I wonder if you can see the growing popularity of this thinking and signs of “satisfaction in the process” in your town.

ON THE TRIP Editing Department

Yuki Naruse
Cory Baird
Cory Baird

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