Were you able to find all the treasures on the map?

Now it’s time to take a trip back in time, around 2,000 years ago.
Imagine standing on the beach of a small island in the Pacific Ocean, staring out at sea while your village is discussing whether or not to venture out and explore beyond your island.

What do you think? What does your gut tell you?

Is your gut telling you to stay on your island, where everything is familiar?
What if the food supply runs short, would you still want to stay?
Are you worried that the ship might be wrecked out at sea?
Or rather, does the thought of adventure excite you?

As far as the eye can see, there’s nothing but the open sea and the horizon beyond.

Though a bit abstract, don’t you think we all share the experience of standing in front of an unknown landscape, questioning whether to set sail or remain on land? It’s something we’re all sure to experience several times in our life.

Those islanders who decided to venture out left familiar shores and rode out in their canoes.
They set out with the protection of supernatural forces and the navigation of ancestors who had used the knowledge of the stars, wind, and waves. When they found a new island, everyone shared their fortune and built another village.

Far from the mainland, the Pacific islands are a world pioneered by the courage and intelligence of those who decided to seek out lands yet unseen. Their worlds grew in unison with nature, and the people helped each other grow.

Perhaps we can find some connection between their journeys and our own adventures.

We have reached the end of our treasure hunt here at the Oceanic Culture Museum.

Well, did you find your treasure?
With these treasures in hand, we hope you will set off on your own adventure and discover the hidden treasures in your life as well.

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