While the Oki Islands are isolated, they also house a total of over 150 shrines scattered throughout. Amongst these, the oldest and most prestigious is Uzukamikoto Shrine.

There are six top-class shrines located within Shimane Prefecture that have been recognized and listed in the “National List of Shines” built in the Heian Period. These are some of the oldest shrines in Japan. Four of them are located in the Oki Islands, including Uzukamikoto Shrine.

This shrine has existed on this island for quite some time. It may have once been located closer to the seaside and acted as a watch post for foreign ships passing in the nearby ocean.

There is a tradition at this shrine known as “Ago Sacred Stone Throwing.” “Ago” in this case refers to flying fish roe and the long, thin stones that resemble them. It is tradition to throw these rocks while yelling out “Dai-ryō!”, or “good catch.” However, only the island locals know the specifics of this ritual since they are the only people allowed to participate in it.

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