Say farewell to the enchanting world of the stars and board the ropeway to return to the real world.

Were you able to find your personal guiding star shining in the northern sky?

Could you feel the power of the distant past and the origin of life itself?

This ropeway will bring us back to your world from the summit of Kankakei and into the womb of Mother Nature.

If this tour helped you connect to the miracle of life, we’re sure it’ll bring you happiness from here on out.

Each city light that shines is proof of our human existence. We hope that your future will be as bright as the stars twinkling in the distant universe.

They say that the universe was formed 13.8 billion years ago, and your time on this earth is but a mere sliver of a fraction of that time. How do you plan to take advantage of what limited time you have?

The journey of life continues from here on out. When you’re suddenly stuck, you can look for the North Star and remember the night of Kankakei, the place where you made a wish on a star.

We hope this experience brings about a new sense of awareness in everyone and can be of some use in your life.

Thank you for joining us at Setouchi Hoshiyama Kankakei today.

Please take care on your way home.

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