Toshihiro: Now we’d like to lead you through an Aromatic Olive Experience.

Tadakatsu: My wife, Chieko Yagyu, is here to be your guide.

Chieko: Hello, I’m Chieko. Are you ready to begin? You will find three different types of olive oil in front of you. First, take the yellow oil and place a bit on the back of your hand. Take a moment to smell the oil. What impressions does it give you?

At first, I observed a beautiful golden olive hue, and a warm, gentle, enveloping fragrance. This fragrance occurs as a result of the olive undergoing lactic acid fermentation. This process represses the ripe flavor of the olives, leaving the sweet aroma intact. I feel a strange sense of comfort when I smell this fruity and sweet aroma. Let's take a moment to repeat the previous steps and try smelling the oil again with these observations in mind.

Next, I’d like you to repeat this process with both the brown and green oils in front of you. What differences do you observe? The brown oil has a deeper, richer aroma, the green oil has an unripe, fresh aroma. Take some time to continue comparing the different scents, and over time you’ll pick up the subtle differences.

Which aroma was your favorite? Until I became a part of the Yagyu family, I had never used any olive-based skin products. I also knew very little about Shodoshima, so I first started to have these kinds of observations when I moved here.

When using a face lotion that contains this olive oil, all you need is a small amount to feel moisturized. I love that it's not sticky despite the fact that it is made out of oil. This oil isn’t made to be used for cooking, but it’s so natural that you could use it for cooking as well. You can use it for whatever purpose you want, and I could safely use it even when I was pregnant.

When you apply the lotion, you naturally find yourself relaxing, as though you are reset, and even on the most stressful days, you find yourself completely refreshed and back to your normal self. We hope that this oil will also bring back memories of Shodoshima for you every time you use it. Now that our aromatic experience is complete, we hope you can take some time to check out the other types of products we offer using the olives grown here on the island.

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