All kinds of customers come to the wholesale market to purchase fish – from sushi restaurants to hotels, Japanese ryokan inns, and izakaya bars. They don’t only come here to purchase fish, however. They also come to buy various kitchen tools like knives and fish scalers, as well as different side dishes and seasonings to go with sashimi. People can purchase these things here at Kanrentō, where there is also a cafeteria and salon for those working at the wholesale market.

Kanrentō is open to the public, so those who visit can experience the work of a wholesaler. Knives, like the specialized knives that slice fish into three filets and the sashimi knives, are the most popular items here. Knives made abroad have grips that make it easier to cut consistently regardless of who is using them, but in Japan, it’s the opposite. The user can hone their skills and preferences to cut the fish accordingly. For example, if you aim straight with a sashimi knife, it actually cuts at a diagonal. However, the person using the knife can adjust the angle so it cuts straight.

The second most popular item is the “Nori” seaweed. Not everybody can properly digest raw seaweed, but cooked seaweed is easier to eat and very good for nutrition. There are lots of types of seaweed, but the shop employees can recommend various types to help you find what you like best.

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