Yashiro Aki, a prominent Enka singer, is widely recognized among the Japanese populace. The island she resides in has a significant elderly population, and her art serves as a representation of contemporary expression, transcending the need for verbal explanation.

One of Yashiro Aki’s notable songs is “Funa Uta” (Boat Song), which begins with the mention of “warm sake and grilled squid,” offering a glimpse into the setting of the song. While Yashiro Aki didn't pen the lyrics, she endeavored to explore the flavors of different squids from Sado and eventually designated one as “Sado squid.”

Sado has a rich tradition of squid fishing, with some claiming that the majority of squid fishing tools used across the country originated on the island. Even today, the sight of squid fishing boats illuminated against the skyline in June and July has become a seasonal spectacle on Sado. Himezu Fishing Port on Sado, in particular, is renowned for its squid catching. Yashiro Aki, moved by the significance of the Himezu Fishing Port, expressed her dedication to the locale by incorporating its scenic beauty into her paintings.

Additionally, she hosted a live concert at the fish market on Sado Island, an event that was captured and transformed into a memorable road movie by DOMMUNE, led by Ukawa Naohiro.

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