What if this city had no festivals?

What if this city had no festivals?

Anyone would probably say that the populace wouldn’t be as tightly knit as it is now. Festivals connect the people and inspire pride in the hearts of a community from an early age. Children yearn to have fun in the crowds, and the elderly impart their experiences to keep them safe as well as feed their enthusiasm. At festivals, all generational barriers disappear, and everyone breathes and mingles as one. The tie that binds the people of Nanao together is a sense of unity regarding their festivals.

This city spares no expense and cuts no corners. It takes money and effort, and sometimes they can even be a bit dangerous. But despite that, everyone loves them. They elate the people, spiking their blood in an indescribable, overwhelming way that’s palpable only by experience. Perhaps you’ll have the chance to see for yourself, and maybe even fall in love.

ON THE TRIP Editorial Staff
Planning: Akihito Shiga
Writer: Miharu Nohara
Photography: Hiroshi Honma
Translation: Jean Paul, Autumn Smith
Narration: Ryland Lee

※This guide was created based on documents and interviews and includes some interpretation done by us at ON THE TRIP. Theories differ between experts, so try to find out what really happened on your travels!

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