This Minka, or traditional home, is a replica of a home that existed near Ocean Expo Park when it opened in 1970. This space is enveloped in treasures: the fukugi trees growing along the walls on either side.

Why are these trees considered treasure? They helped to preserve the lifestyle of the people who lived here for generations.

Since the fukugi tree's roots grow to be the same length as its trunk, it has a natural resistance against wind and salt damage. Like persimmon tree leaves, the leaves of the fukugi tree are massive and slow to burn, so they also serve as a natural firewall. The people of Okinawa who lived near the ocean and under constant fear of typhoons would plant fukugi trees around their houses and in their gardens as a sort of protection.

There is actually another reason why fukugi trees are considered a treasure. The fukugi trees were originally planted almost 300 years ago by the Ryukyu Kingdom as a gift for future generations.

Before the Meiji Era when Okinawa was annexed by Japan, the Ryukyu Kingdom ruled over the island for almost 450 years. There was a politician named Sai On who was active during that time. Using the Chinese concept of Feng Shui, this politician tactfully mapped out towns using a variety of landscapes and forests in a way that would protect against natural disasters. The fukugi-lined streets of Bise were also planted during this time. Since fukugi trees take a long time to grow, those who planted these trees didn’t get to reap their full benefits. Even so, they did so with the hopes that they would protect future generations, as a gift for those in the distant future. This thought process in itself can be considered a treasure for the Okinawan people.

If you have the time, take a walk through Bise’s fukugi-lined streets which are only a short distance from the Ocean Expo Park. These trees are even older than the ones placed around the Minka, with some trees as old as 300 years. As you stand under them, imagine the people who stood here in the past. Maybe you will feel as though you have stepped into an immense power that has traversed over the centuries to surround you in this space.

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