Oki Shrine was first constructed in 1939. That was 700 years after Emperor Go-Toba passed away in 1239. Just why was the shrine built on these grounds? For one, Emperor Go-Toba once resided in this area. It is also the location of the cremation mound where the ashes of Emperor Go-Toba are enshrined.

The Emperor spent 19 years on this isolated island. Were those years spent in anguish and woe? How would you feel if you were in that situation? How would you have spent your time on the island? The Emperor wrote over 800 poems during his life on this island, and compiled them into a collection. He also participated in bullfighting and tea ceremony and even had a swordsmith called in so he could learn to make swords.

By the way, the chrysanthemum crest that you see at many of the shrines around Japan originated from Emperor Go-Toba himself. When Emperor Go-Toba ascended into the role of emperor, one of the three treasures all emperors inherit, the sword, the mirror, and the jewels, was actually lost--the sword. This may have resulted in a complex of some sort because, in the end, he engraved the symbol of a chrysanthemum into his sword to show its importance to him. This symbol has come to represent the royal family itself and is known as the royal crest. Upon learning this, you may feel the chrysanthemum crests that litter the grounds of the cremation mound of Oki Shrine take on a new significance.

Before we leave, we wanted to ask you if you have heard of the Japanese wood pigeon, “Karasu-Bato,” before? Their cries, which are similar to that of a cow, have earned them the nickname of “Ushi-Bato” or “Cow-Pigeon.” These rare birds are known as protected species that only inhabit isolated islands. As its name, “Karasu-Bato” or “Crow-Pigeon” suggests, this strange bird has the body of a crow and the head of a pigeon. They rarely show themselves in front of humans and there are very few people on the island who have even managed to see one. You may be able to hear its cries while in the shrine. Try to follow the sounds and see if you can manage to catch a glimpse of this rare species.

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