“Seven in Nara / At the sevenfold temples/ Yaezakura”. This haiku was purportedly written by Basho Matsuo. The “Seven in Nara” refer to the seven decades that the seventh emperor ruled in Nara. The “Sevenfold Temple” refers to the ideal structure for a temple. What’s more, Nara has seven great temples: Daian-ji, Gango-ji, Horyu-ji, Kofuku-ji, Saidai-ji, Todai-ji, and Yakushi-ji. Lastly, we have the “yae-zakura”, or the double-flowered cherry blossoms. The grouping and scaling of the characters bring to mind a yae-zakura tree as seen from a satellite view. The rhythmic flow of the syllables in the poem paints the picture even more. This room, littered with poems in every corner, is yours to fully enjoy and experience.

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