Kappa are known as the spirits that keep water clean, or beasts which drown humans and steal imaginary balls out of their rear ends. Maybe they were just thought up as a way to keep children away from the water. There are many explanations for their existence. In the town of Tōno in Iwate prefecture, it is said that Kappa are the results of children who weren’t given a chance to live and turn into monsters. Tōno faced famine for years, and these babies which were born into the world weeping had to be floated down the river. On the other hand, maybe the Kappa came into existence in order to provide a sole form of comfort to these babies. Perhaps as a result of these kinds of situations, our powers are still so important to the people of the countryside.

I mean, look at the city people; they used Yōkai Kabuki as a way to rebel against the influence of the government at the time. During the unease of the end of the Bakufu regime, Yōkai toys became more popular as well. By becoming so enveloped in us Yōkai, they were able to distract themselves from their resentment and anxiety. Yōkai acted as entertainment, a diversion, and a consolation all in one.

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