We will introduce a few key phrases from the teachings of Zen. Each phrase also reveals the spiritual nature of Japan which is intertwined in the culture. If you are ever feeling tired from your everyday work or routine, please - try to remember these words. It will also help you understand why Jack Kerouac and the rest of the Beatnik generation in the 1960’s were moved by the power of Zen. These phrases can be an opportunity to review history and how we got here, and looking ahead it may be a way to think about the future and where we are going.

01. If you Encounter Buddha, You Must Kill Buddha.
It means that you must kill the part of yourself which relies on Buddha. In other words, do not rely on others but instead believe in oneself and live accordingly.

02. Every Day is a Great Day
This means that every day is the best day it could be. Rainy days, windy days-- every day is beautiful. One should experience each moment and live as if it was all meant to be.

03. Do not Boast
This means do not brag about one’s good deeds. If you put too much thought into quantifying your good deeds, you will lose the positive quality about them. We should try to be modest about our deeds, and in doing so, one can be free from obstructive thoughts.

04. Treasure Every Meeting
This means when you meet a person there is no guarantee you will meet again. If you think that, then you will cherish that moment. In life, there is only one chance, and there is no sure proof that you will have another. Everyday, everything you come across may be a once in a lifetime experience. One must live each day to the fullest extent.

05. Knowing Contentment
This means to know how to be satisfied with what you have. The more you want, the less satisfied you will be and there is no end to desire. To firmly understand one’s needs, and not to yearn for anything unnecessary.

06. Become the Center of Everything
This does not mean one should not be humble. However, if you give yourself too little credit, you limit your possibilities for growth. Like the protagonist in a movie, one should continue to challenge oneself. Because you are the protagonist in your own life.

07. With a Gentle Face and a Kind Word
This means to always use kind words with a smile. Even if you are not feeling your best, if you greet someone with a smile you both will feel better. The smile is the world’s universal greeting.

08. Concentrate on What is in Front of You
This means when you are drinking you must concentrate on drinking. When you are eating you must concentrate on eating. To not think of the past, and to concentrate on the now. To enjoy the ordinary will lead to abundance.

09. Through Isolation Comes Understanding
This means life is an individual journey. Each one of us is born, and we will each die in our own time. But it is because of this individuality that we can learn to understand and appreciate others. Isolation is our base.

10. The Journey is the Reward
This means that the path of training and the destination of reaching enlightenment are equally important. For that reason, it is thought that the process is something worth treasuring.

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