A selection of vinyl records and top recommendations from friendly staff.

For rock, jazz, pop, and disco-lovers, check out the General Record Store – the bedroom-sized sister store to Face Records in Shibuya. While the behemoth Disk Union down the street is undeniably a Shimokita mainstay, General Record Store benefits from being small and inviting: a simple, plywood-clad shop with just a central table of record bins, including a selection of 7-inch vinyl, and a single turntable for sampling.

Their laid-back, friendly staff was happy to chat with us, and say they hope that the highway construction brings “a new wind of people” who will enjoy the neighborhood.

“Records are already popular with a lot of international shoppers,” says one employee who moonlights as a DJ. “Our shop is a way to introduce Japanese people to western music, and to share vintage Japanese pop and rock with foreign visitors.”

Despite being new residents, General Record Store exemplifies why young creatives come to Shimokita: for an intimate space to share in their artistic pursuits. Stick around later and you might see these boys hitting up their favorite local venues like Shelter.

Name:General Record Store
Address:Tokyo, Setagaya-Ku, Kitazawa 2-8-4
☎︎ :03-6804-7414
Hours: 1:00pm~20:00pm

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