Serving up grilled masterpieces.

My go-to for dinner in Shimokita is the unassuming but always lively Nanbantei okonomiyakiya. Perched on the second floor with signs in Japanese (look for なんばん亭), you might miss the narrow staircase entrance lined with sake bottles.

Inside, the walls are plastered with cheeky posters professing their love of meat and highballs, and every table sizzles with grilled okonomiyaki, always finished like a Jackson Pollack with zigzags of karashi mustard mayo, bonito and nori flakes.

Nanbantei also has a good selection of yakisoba, appetizers like bacon-wrapped oysters and buttery sautéed mushrooms, and a full drink menu – I always start with a yuzu wine. Their friendly staff speak limited English, but they have an English menu. Just sit back with an overflowing cup of sake and enjoy the show as their practiced hands cook everything perfectly for you at your table. Reservations are recommended.

Name: Nanbantei
Address: Tokyo, Setagaya-Ku, Kitazawa 2-12-3
☎︎ :+81 03-3419-6938
Hours: Monday to Sunday 17:00pm~23:30pm
Saturday & Sunday Only: 11:30am-2:00pm

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