A wintry moon shines over the pond’s surface, revealing its true shape. It is empty, clear, and free from any trash. It sits like a jewel at the bottom of the pond, but the light is slippery, impossible to grasp with your hands. Ripples shatter its form, spreading it in pieces like the scales of a dragon– This is what a monk from Kofuku-Ji Temple said about Sarusawa Pond long ago, but the imagery of the rippling moonlight as dragon’s scales is striking. We invite you to watch from this room on a moonlit night– how will it look to your eye?

This framed calligraphy is the result of many abandoned attempts. Sometimes the piece is finished in one try, but generally, it takes many attempts to get the piece just right. The artist is said to have scribed over 50 attempts before arriving at this one sheet. Never mind the meaning of the words – can you feel the determination in this piece? Cherish the feeling you get upon seeing it.

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