Welcome to the SDGs Laboratory at the Yōkai Museum. You may call me Risa, and I will be your guide today. As I am new to the Laboratory, I am still acclimating myself to the job, but I will work hard to provide the best guidance I can. Thank you for your patience with me.

I will start by introducing the laboratory. SDGs is a multinational organization created with the purpose of building a world where no single person is left behind. Achieving such a goal is impossible by considering human society alone. We must also create harmony with life forms that do not communicate in words, starting with Mother Nature.

Japan has been home to a myriad of spirits since time immemorial. Everything in this world has a soul. You could say that Yōkai are representations of those souls. By understanding and befriending Yōkai born of modern humanity’s fears and woes, we at the Laboratory believe we can help the world. Now, without further ado, let me introduce the Yōkai we are currently researching.

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